Oh the Joy of the Fourth of July!
From "Just Thought of A Plain Country Woman" Published July, 4, 1946.
"For days before the Fourth of July, I pondered what Independence Day meant this year for the meanings surrounding special days vary from time to time; last year, the War in Europe was over, The Boy had survived but was headed for the final struggle in Japan, and, altho, we were grateful for the present relief, we felt that going to the Asiatic area was almost more than we could face We recalled past Fourths in our childhood and older years and somehow this one, our first Victory Fourth seemed to bear the meaning of "The Year of Beginning Again." The Boy is home; the Girl will join our family group soon, judging by the constant flow of pink scented letters that come in the mail; our twenty-eighth wedding anniversary that comes so close to the Fourth of July, seemed to join in the spirit of the Day and pointed to a new start for us all."
Can you imagine how glorious the first Fourth of July must have been, having just
returned home from winning the WWII? What celebrations there must have been!
Let's celebrate those members of the "Greatest Generation" once again remembering
the gift of freedom they have given us.