Friday, February 23, 2018

Getting Along with People - Be Kind, Honest and Dependable

Excepts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman" by Lucile Ellingwood Morrow originally published in "The Collinsville News"  September 30, 1954.  

I was reading a recent article on "How To Get Along With People".  Years ago I read one titled, "The
Secret of Getting Along With People",and Dale Carnegie has written a whole book on "How to Win
Friends and Influence People."
Seems this getting along with people is very important so I'm going to use the nine suggestions which sound pretty good and might even be fun to try. They come from Dr. Seiger, M. D., of Baltimore, Maryland.
We live in a world in which people are more important than things.
Because we have to deal with people whether we like it or not, and whether we know how to or not, it is important to learn how to get along with them. The better we know how to do this, the more likely we are to succeed in whatever we are doing. We are better able to deal with problems that we can solve and no longer worry too much about those we are not able to handle.

1. Keep looking at your good qualities rather than think only of your shortcomings and problems. Don't insist on having a poor opinion of yourself. For example, you may not be able to do all that you would like to do-or the kind of things that you'd like to do, but perhaps you can be trusted more than most people. Or perhaps you are careful and can be depended upon to do your job well. Remember these things. Often they are more important than good looks or brilliance of mind. Perhaps you have an unusually pleasant smile. Use it! You have other good qualities that you can use. Remember them and use them.

2. Try to face your problems honestly; talk them over with someone who can help you-a psychiatrist,  minister, your doctor or a friend. Look at them as clearly as you can and try to see what is going wrong and what you can do to make things work better. Just blaming yourself is not a good way
to handle a problem.

3. In your relationships with other people be sure to see that they enjoy or gain something from their contact with you. Remember that liking someone means that you not only get help yourself, but that you help them as well. To be sure there are instances in which you will receive little from the other person, but on the whole you will get about as much as you give.

4. Be kind to people; avoid hurting whenever you can. Try not to see every fault of others or yourself; try to balance these faults which you do see with the good qualities that are always there.

5. Be tolerant; accept people as they are; try to bring out in them that type of behavior which is best for both of you. Put up :with them. Remember they have to put up with you.

6. Try to look upon the failures that you may have as chances to learn. Failures show that there is
something you do not know about what you are trying to do, or that you have not developed the qualities necessary for success. Look at your failures and try to see why you have failed. Look upon them as opportunities to learn how to avoid making the same mistake next time. Remember your successes and don't spend too much time worrying about the failures.

7. Try to accept the fact that sometimes you are worried, discouraged, or unable to do the things you'd like to do. Remember that everyone is occasionally worried or discouraged. Keep on doing things.

8. Be ready to promise to do things for others and for yourself, but be careful of the promises you
make, and don't promise anything unless you feel quite sure that you can actually do it.

9. Finally, remember that it is people, not things, that are most important!

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful bit of advice - thank you for sharing!! ❤️🙌
