Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What Goes Around Comes Around - Perspectives on Korean - US conflicts and relationships on this 4th of JULY!

Excerpts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman"  originally published July 9, 1953 in The Collinsville News.  

Note:  This was a time period when The Boy had just returned from the front lines of the Korean Conflict.  Troops had been pulled back but "war" was never declared.  The fight was termed a "conflict" which limited political options, limited military benefits to those who fought and placed many constraints on future peace negotiations.  
In light of our new "relations" with North Korea, I thought the historical perspective presented in this 1953 column might be of interest.  

"It is hard to write about the 4th of July this year. After three long and terrible years of war in Korea, and two years of dickering for an honor able peace, we seem to be considering an armistice that will be humiliating to both us and Korea. We are more confused than ever about our part, our duty, our future. Of course, it is easy for us to say, "Why in the world don't we drop a few atom bombs!" then pack up our picnic basket and go to a cool, pleasant place for our national holiday celebration.

We can't blame Synman Rhee for wanting his country back all in one piece instead of having it stopped near that hated, 38th parallel, but we must remember that our own Mason and Dixon Line was what the Civil War was fought over and the war wasn't over until the battle in the Deep South and New Orleans were fought and won. Our nation was restored to a Union for which all truly patriotic Americans are forever grateful. 

The question is, of course, whether we are the ones who must bring about Korean unity. But before we put the last sandwich in our picnic basket and hurry off to our patriotic celebration, let's look again at our present situation. Our young men are far from home; we wonder why. Our government seems to be outwitted and for every step forward we seem to slip two backward. I feel like burying my head in my own affairs and letting the world rock along its own crazy way. 

However,I find these reassuring words of Judge Larned Hand explaining why nothing can ever be done finally and right, that nothing is known positively and completely; why we must try and try again "to build our new and better selves upon the shells of our old selves. He says: "The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit o.f liberty is the spirit of Him who, nearly two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten: that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest." 
. . . .  

Now let's finish packing the lunch basket for our Independence Day fun, yet not forget to apply  the spirit of liberty both for ourselves and others we meet on the highways, at the parks and pools.  And let us not forget what and why we celebrate; that it is high time we reclaimed our country; that the Stars and Stripes is still the most beautiful sight under the shining canopy of heaven! It has been only by constant vigilance in holding the enemies of freedom away from bombing our shores and cities that are still America., the Beautiful!"

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