Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Recipe for Preserving "Choice" Children - Good summertime recipe

Excepts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman" published in February 9, 1950 in The Collinsville News.  

". . . . Through it all, they, as well as we, were looking for a way to have good children;  here is an old recipe presenting a philosophy that might well be followed through all the ages:  

                  Preserve Choice Children 

Take 1 large grassy field; 1/2 dozen children, 2 or 3 small dogs, pinch of brooks and some pebbles.  Mix children and dogs well together and put them in the field, stirring constantly;  Pour the brook over the pebbles;  sprinkle the field with flowers; spread over all a deep blue sky and bake in the hot sun.  When thoroughly brown, remove and set away to cool in a bathtub."  

What Goes Around Comes Around - Perspectives on Korean - US conflicts and relationships on this 4th of JULY!

Excerpts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman"  originally published July 9, 1953 in The Collinsville News.  

Note:  This was a time period when The Boy had just returned from the front lines of the Korean Conflict.  Troops had been pulled back but "war" was never declared.  The fight was termed a "conflict" which limited political options, limited military benefits to those who fought and placed many constraints on future peace negotiations.  
In light of our new "relations" with North Korea, I thought the historical perspective presented in this 1953 column might be of interest.  

"It is hard to write about the 4th of July this year. After three long and terrible years of war in Korea, and two years of dickering for an honor able peace, we seem to be considering an armistice that will be humiliating to both us and Korea. We are more confused than ever about our part, our duty, our future. Of course, it is easy for us to say, "Why in the world don't we drop a few atom bombs!" then pack up our picnic basket and go to a cool, pleasant place for our national holiday celebration.

We can't blame Synman Rhee for wanting his country back all in one piece instead of having it stopped near that hated, 38th parallel, but we must remember that our own Mason and Dixon Line was what the Civil War was fought over and the war wasn't over until the battle in the Deep South and New Orleans were fought and won. Our nation was restored to a Union for which all truly patriotic Americans are forever grateful. 

The question is, of course, whether we are the ones who must bring about Korean unity. But before we put the last sandwich in our picnic basket and hurry off to our patriotic celebration, let's look again at our present situation. Our young men are far from home; we wonder why. Our government seems to be outwitted and for every step forward we seem to slip two backward. I feel like burying my head in my own affairs and letting the world rock along its own crazy way. 

However,I find these reassuring words of Judge Larned Hand explaining why nothing can ever be done finally and right, that nothing is known positively and completely; why we must try and try again "to build our new and better selves upon the shells of our old selves. He says: "The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the minds of other men; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit o.f liberty is the spirit of Him who, nearly two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but has never quite forgotten: that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest." 
. . . .  

Now let's finish packing the lunch basket for our Independence Day fun, yet not forget to apply  the spirit of liberty both for ourselves and others we meet on the highways, at the parks and pools.  And let us not forget what and why we celebrate; that it is high time we reclaimed our country; that the Stars and Stripes is still the most beautiful sight under the shining canopy of heaven! It has been only by constant vigilance in holding the enemies of freedom away from bombing our shores and cities that are still America., the Beautiful!"

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Memorial Day or Decoration Day

Excerpts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman" originally published in The Collinsville News, May 27, 1948. 

"I have often wondered when and by whom Memorial Day was originated and when I read that it was started in the South, I began to investigate, for I had always supposed it was originally a northern custom. 
I find that it was declared a national holiday on May 5, 1868, by General John A. Logan, Commander of the G.A.R. May 30 was for the greater part of the nation, to become the 'Day of Remembrance,' a day to honor the dead, not the living nor the conquerors."
There are many legends, disputes, and a few facts as to the origin of the custom, and Carbondale, Ill., home of John A. Logan, rightly claims the first honor. Strange as it may seem, this story, too, is accepted as authentic.
The southern women of Charleston, South Carolina, a confederate state, were inspired by the deaths of northern men, union men to observe the first Memorial Day on the same day that Lincoln's body lay in state in Chicago.
The tragic death of Lincoln, culminating four years of grief, death, and burials in both north and south, the slow progress of his funeral train from \Washington to the prairies of Illinois so crystalized the hysteria of a nation that when the proclamation to honor the dead came, Memorial
Day burst from the people, spontaneously.
Decoration Day brings to me more and more each year, that the graveyard is a great leveler. 
We are all brought there (to the graveyard) by the same impulse loyalty of the living to the dead, but somehow it makes us more gentle and understanding and appreciative of the living too, regardless of station in life, riches or poverty, book learning or ignorance, or former mistakes, for we all made our mistakes and hope for lenient judgment and we all have our problems, heartaches, and sorrows which become a bond of sympathy." 

And, taken from June 2, 1960, Morrow continues: 
"And, since we easily forget that wars cost not only money but pain, suffering and lives, we decorate the graves of those who gave their lives that their country might live. Some call it Decoration Day; some call it Memorial Day, but, whatever we call it, it is hallowed 'and sacred." 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

                         2018 Owasso Schools Day of Service
Students come to the Morrow Home Place to Preserve and Protect History

Students from the National Honor Society under the direction of Mrs. Stacey Fry, Owasso Middle School came to the Morrow Home Place to volunteer their services on the 2018 Owasso Day of Service, on May 17th, 2018.

Some did yard work - working around the original iris blooms where the historical marker will be.

Lots of clean up, pick up, sweep up and spruce up of the old Home Place.

 And then McDonald's Pat Grable came and delivered a reward for all!  Free Dessert!

                    THANKS to everyone for all your hard work.  The old house needed you!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Joe Morrow wins Trip to National 4-H Club Congress

Clipping from "The Collinsville News"  November 21, 1940 upon his winning a trip to National 4-H Club Congress. 


Joe Morrow Won Trip to Chicago Given by the Santa  Fe

Fine Record of 4-H Club Work "Pays Off" After Hours of Hard Work

C. W. Lane, of Oklahoma City, and I his son Bob, of California, visited the News office last Saturday morning and paid the editor a nice visit. Mr. Lane is special representative of public relations for the Santa Fe lines, with offices in Oklahoma City.
He informed the editor that E. J. Engel, president of the Santa Fe, had offered an award to 4-H club members in Oklahoma. The prize is a trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago, with all expenses paid The members will be special guests of the Santa Fe in Chicago.
Joe Morrow, son of the writer of "Just Thoughts" in The News each week, was the fortunate winner of one of these awards. The achievements of Morrow are mentioned in other items in this issue of the paper so they are not repeated here.
The whole community is extremely proud of the work of Joe Morrow a especially those who know of the sickness handicaps that he has overcome during his boyhood days. Joe has never said "can't."
The winning of the awards given by the Santa Fe are based upon the achievements of the past season and all around performances and interest in club activities as shown by official records.
Joe will leave for Chicago with other winners on the Santa Fe Streamliner, November 29.

Joe Morrow has won a trip to Chicago with all expenses paid. This trip was, awarded him for his goo'd work and records in 4-H club work. 
Joe· has been in 4-H club work for five years.  His project has always been livestock. He has raised five show calves and and a flock of sheep on which he has kept  records. It is the records which have won the trip for him. 
Records are sent from all over the state to the state headquarters.  Here they are judged and the sixteen boys and girls having the best record books are awarded a trip to Chicago with all expenses paid. Joe is one of those sixteen selected.  

Friday, February 23, 2018

Morrow Place Development

BIG NEWS!  The new Morrow Place development is being readied for new home owners.  For 
all the details, follow the link below.  


It is with truly mixed emotions that our family watches this new development.  We know times change and we need to change with them.  We are grateful our land has provided sustenance and support for five generations of our family.  The Morrow family has lived and worked and loved, cried and laughed, all on this land.  For generations we have been born, lived, left and returned to this land.  And, now it is time to allow other families to share the treasure with which we have so richly been blessed.  

I have walked, ridden horseback, chased the dogs (and my little brother) across this land.  I have fished the ponds, picked the eggs, chased the baby pigs and newborn lambs and bottle-fed baby calves on this land.  I've watched the sun rise, peeking out behind the big barn, bringing forth a glorious new day and enjoyed the most beautiful sunsets and the sun glowed red behind the house and across the garden.  

Living on this land teaches responsibility, persistence, dependability, respectability, pride and humility. Living on this land instills a love for God and all that He so graciously provides.  It is our duty to appreciate what we are given, be good stewards of those gifts and share with others the treasure.  

It is my sincere hope that as new families come to live at Morrow Place, they too will learn to love  the land as much as past generations have.  I truly pray that each family will build their family traditions - and be good stewards - as they grow and strengthen their own family bonds.  It is time for a new chapter for the Morrow land.  It is time for new families to write their own story  

Welcome to Morrow Place.  

Getting Along with People - Be Kind, Honest and Dependable

Excepts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman" by Lucile Ellingwood Morrow originally published in "The Collinsville News"  September 30, 1954.  

I was reading a recent article on "How To Get Along With People".  Years ago I read one titled, "The
Secret of Getting Along With People",and Dale Carnegie has written a whole book on "How to Win
Friends and Influence People."
Seems this getting along with people is very important so I'm going to use the nine suggestions which sound pretty good and might even be fun to try. They come from Dr. Seiger, M. D., of Baltimore, Maryland.
We live in a world in which people are more important than things.
Because we have to deal with people whether we like it or not, and whether we know how to or not, it is important to learn how to get along with them. The better we know how to do this, the more likely we are to succeed in whatever we are doing. We are better able to deal with problems that we can solve and no longer worry too much about those we are not able to handle.

1. Keep looking at your good qualities rather than think only of your shortcomings and problems. Don't insist on having a poor opinion of yourself. For example, you may not be able to do all that you would like to do-or the kind of things that you'd like to do, but perhaps you can be trusted more than most people. Or perhaps you are careful and can be depended upon to do your job well. Remember these things. Often they are more important than good looks or brilliance of mind. Perhaps you have an unusually pleasant smile. Use it! You have other good qualities that you can use. Remember them and use them.

2. Try to face your problems honestly; talk them over with someone who can help you-a psychiatrist,  minister, your doctor or a friend. Look at them as clearly as you can and try to see what is going wrong and what you can do to make things work better. Just blaming yourself is not a good way
to handle a problem.

3. In your relationships with other people be sure to see that they enjoy or gain something from their contact with you. Remember that liking someone means that you not only get help yourself, but that you help them as well. To be sure there are instances in which you will receive little from the other person, but on the whole you will get about as much as you give.

4. Be kind to people; avoid hurting whenever you can. Try not to see every fault of others or yourself; try to balance these faults which you do see with the good qualities that are always there.

5. Be tolerant; accept people as they are; try to bring out in them that type of behavior which is best for both of you. Put up :with them. Remember they have to put up with you.

6. Try to look upon the failures that you may have as chances to learn. Failures show that there is
something you do not know about what you are trying to do, or that you have not developed the qualities necessary for success. Look at your failures and try to see why you have failed. Look upon them as opportunities to learn how to avoid making the same mistake next time. Remember your successes and don't spend too much time worrying about the failures.

7. Try to accept the fact that sometimes you are worried, discouraged, or unable to do the things you'd like to do. Remember that everyone is occasionally worried or discouraged. Keep on doing things.

8. Be ready to promise to do things for others and for yourself, but be careful of the promises you
make, and don't promise anything unless you feel quite sure that you can actually do it.

9. Finally, remember that it is people, not things, that are most important!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Charity and Learning Begin around the Kitchen Table

Excepts taken from "Just Thoughts of a Plain Country Woman" by Lucile Ellingwood Morrow originally published in "The Collinsville News"  January 25, 1951. 

". . . . It is well that all people have take these long winter evenings to teach and show children the warm, pleasant ways of life that out-face not only the cold of the out-of-doors, but the foes of safe-dwellings and peace of' the outside world. 
Beginning in the Autumn, good harvests have created in our work-a-day minds a sense of  appreciation that reaches its peak in a Thanksgiving Day. Christmas follows quickly, lending its sacred ideal of giving to Thanksgiving. The New Year crowds in much too soon giving backward glances at the old with eagerness for the new.
Among the many lessons, parents can and should teach children are the simple ones of gratitude, honor, family democracy, peace and studiousness.
Along with planning for the next year's crops or business and studying the seed catalogues for the new garden, we find that one of the most productive seed flats we will ever prepare is the foundation of our children's, and our own,  future. Along with good livestock, business and productive gardens, our best and most valuable. product is the kind of children we grow, and that the best defense of the home is the old rocking chair and arm chair. 
Being "too busy" all the time is a poor excuse for letting children get out of hand.
The kitchen or dining table is the center about which the family gathers for meals, to discuss the day's
doings: later, for study, reading, or sewing. The mail is opened here, word from friends' and relatives is heard here and the family tie is strengthened.
Here at the table, everyday news is passed around-work on the farm and the latest report of our boys in far-away Korea, fighting that we may keep our family circles and warm firesides instead of being driven in bitter cold, ragged, unwanted, between two armies fighting bitterly for possession of the land and its people.
Here character is welded and ideals are formed-for good or for bad ...
Here one learns to say, "Thank You" and "Please" and "Excuse me." Here husband and wife do not quarrel nor permit the children to quarrel, for peace, like charity, begins at home. Here a place or a way is provided for those who want to study, without the disturbance of radio, television, or visiting.
And here in the home, around the fire and table, children can. be shown how to be pleasant to Mother and Dad, Sister and Brother, how to share, be honest, be proud of self and family and home."